Adoption Application Adoption Application Please acknowledge that in order to be considered for an adoption today, you must be 21 years of age, have the knowledge and consent of all adults living in your household, have a valid ID with current address, have landlord's name and telephone number (or lease), Understand the Purrfect Paradise must approve your application. Yes No Your Name * Name of Cat you are interested in adopting Your Home Address * Phone Number * Alternate Phone Number Email Address * Have you adopted a pet from us before? Yes No Do you have a particular breed? Yes No If Yes, What breed? What type of pet are you looking for? Male Female Adult Kitten Do you prefer a declawed cat? Yes No Are you familiar with declaw procedures or laser declawing? Yes No Do you currently have a declawed cat? Yes No Where will your pet be kept during the day? IndoorsOutdoorsCrateBasementGarageOther Where will your pet be kept during the night? IndoorsOutdoorsNew OptionCrateBasementGarageOther Where do you live? House Apartment Condo Trailer Other Do you? Rent Own Live with parents Does your landlord allow pets? Yes No I don't know Landlords Name and Phone number? What pets do you currently own? Is anyone in your family allergic to animals? Yes No Do you want this pet for: Companion Gift Other This pet will be without human companionship for about how many hours per day, per week? Please provide the following information about your household: Number of adults, Number of children and Ages Best Time to Contact You Do you realize that a dog or cat may live 15 or more years? Yes No Would you be willing to allow a representative to visit your home before the adoption is completed? Yes No What Veterinary facility do you use? Please list Name and Veterinarians phone number. Do you currently have or have you had pets in the past, please describe: How will you introduce your new cat to its new home? Cats sometimes hide for a few days to as much as a week or more in a new environment, how will you accommodate their initial insecurity? Cats need a period of adjustment to the location of their litter box or boxes in a new home, how will you help them adjust? Cats require a gradual transition to a change in food, how will you accommodate this need? Certain cats like to dart out of an open door unexpectedly, how will you ensure that they are not able to escape accidently? Cats sometimes mark their territory by scratching, what provisions will you make to ensure they will not damage your furniture if they do? Would you be willing to have cat's nails trimmed at the vet or groomer or would you be comfortable trimming the cat's nails yourself? How long will your new cat be alone during the day? What forms of play/enrichment will you provide? Do you have any house plants that could be potentially toxic to your cat? If so would you be willing to relocate them to an area out of reach of your cat or change to an artificial replacement? How far are you from your vets’ office? Is there an emergency vet clinic available in your area? Do you have a pet carrier to transport your cat to the vet’s office? Is anyone in your extended family allergic to cats? How would you accommodate them if they come to visit or stay? If you were to move, would your cat go with you? If you were to ever get an additional pet, cat or dog, or have someone move in with a cat or dog how would you transition the new pet or pets with your current cat? Changes in environment and stressful situations can cause urinary tract infections in cats... do you know the signs of a UTI and how would you treat? Does your cat have a special bed or blanket/towel to sleep on? Even indoor cats can encounter fleas from time to time, what products do you use for flea control? Cats can be active at night, if they disrupt your sleep with their activity how will you accommodate the situation? Do you allow your cat to jump on table and countertops in the kitchen? If not, how would you deter them? Are you aware of the services offered at the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City? (vaccinations, health testing, routine vet care and treatments at affordable rates) We would like to be able to stop by for a visit now and then to see how you and your new cat are doing, would that be a problem for you? Validation If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ